41 Ways to Get Feedback on Your Idea or Product in 2020
What’s stopping you from building?
What’s stopping you from building?
Which Product quotes are accurate, which are BS? I’ll tell you.
Which type of Product Manager are you (or do you want to be)?
Top 10 Books for Product Managers - Broken down by PM experience level.
Subscribe to these podcasts and you’ll stay entertained all year long (and learn a thing or two!)
India, Pakistan, and SE Asia are startup economies to watch closely over the next few years. Featuring Dapi, Verifiable, Spenmo, Bikayi, Safepay and more!
If the Avengers were Product Managers, what type would they be? Where would they work?
Over the course of my career at Vistaprint, Upside Business Travel, ICX Media, and Kin Insurance, I’ve interviewed close to 100 Product Management candidates and helped hire dozens.
I admit it…
I’m a workaholic.
You don’t even have to dive too deep into my background to see it…