Recently, I launched a new YouTube channel called The Modern Product Manager. The channel features content for Product Managers, startup people, and anyone interested in Tech.
I’ve started my channel by making videos of some of my most viewed, shared, and discussed Medium posts.
→ If you’re interested, check out my channel here (I’d love a subscribe too!): The Modern Product Manager Channel
With The Modern Product Manager, you’ll learn from Alex Mitchell’s insider startup and product perspective and get…www.youtube.com
As part of my channel set up, I watched A LOT of YouTube videos and subscribed to a LOT of channels on Product Management.
This post features the channels I’ve found most helpful and think Product Managers of all levels (including aspiring PMs) would learn a lot from too.
So check out these channels below and level up as a PM (or find your path into the career).
Top Channels For PMs (Of All Levels)
1. Product School
Why I Like It: The Product School has clearly invested heavily in their YouTube channel! Their channel features many of their onsite events including ProductCon and they are consistently releasing new content.
Subscribe to their channel and you’ll definitely learn a thing or two (at least!) about Product, I know I did.
Video To Watch First: “Secrets to Become a Great Product Manager”
2. The Modern Product Manager
**Self-Promotion Alert! — The writer of this blog post also manages this channel**
Why I Like It: While the Product School features many talks by different Product Managers in recorded onsite events, The Modern Product Manager features deep dives by Alex Mitchell into individual concepts like:
- 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Product Manager
- The Different Types of Product Managers
- Product + Growth: Better Together
Video To Watch First: “How to Be a Great (Remote) Product Manager”
3. Mind the Product
Why I Like It: Similar to Product School, MTP features great content from all of their (formerly) in-person events. You’ll enjoy their very high-quality speakers like Marty Cagan and battlefield stories from dozens of different Product Managers.
Video To Watch First: “The Root Causes of Product Failure”
4. ProductPlan
Why I Like It: Most of ProductPlan’s videos are about how to use their product, but I like their other videos featuring very simple breakdowns of common Product Management terms and concepts.
They also have a few great “Product Leader Spotlights” that will help you better understand what the career of Product Management is really like!
Video To Watch First: “What is Backlog Grooming?”
5. Shelby Sir
Why I Like It: While many of the previous channels are a bit more on the serious and “buttoned-up” side of Product Management, Shelby brings a fresh and entertaining perspective to her Product channel that you’ll definitely enjoy!
Video To Watch First: “How I Got a Job as a Product Manager”
Thanks for reading so far! If you’re enjoying this post, I know you would enjoy my course on Product Management: How to Succeed as a Product Manager
Whether you’re an aspiring Product Manager or looking to level up, I know you’ll learn a LOT from the >50 hours of course content I’ve assembled.
I’m also offering a very limited time discount to my readers: use promo code: 25PCTOFFMPM
If you prefer books, I think you’d also enjoy Disrupting Yourself (How to Succeed in the New Economy) or Building Digital Products.
6. Alex Rechevskiy — Growth PM
Why I Like It: With Alex, you’ll get an insider perspective from a Silicon Valley PM on important topics like:
- 10x Thinking
- How to Create a PM Resume
- How to Think Like a Product Manager
Video To Watch First: “How to Break into Product Management”
7. Product Gym
Why I Like It: The Product Gym exists to help established and emerging PMs land more interviews and more jobs. They work with Product candidates and arm them with the insights they need to win the job.
Their content is oriented heavily around PM applications, interviews, case studies, and offers. If you’re in this stage of your Product career, they’ll be extremely helpful!
Video To Watch First: “How to Land a PM Offer in 30 Days”
8. Dan Chuparkoff
Why I Like It: Dan has spoken on Product Management and Data Science at SXSW and his content is very detail-rich. If you’re looking to get down into the details for how to use JIRA, How to Ignite the Power of Teams, or learning what makes a product “Disruptive,” his channel is for you.
Video To Watch First: “Designing and Building Products for a Data Science Future”
9. Slidebean
Why I Like It: Although Slidebean’s business isn’t Product Management, they have a ton of entertaining and popular content on startups, funding, and presentation/pitch ideas.
Product Managers are always learning, presenting, and evangelizing, so you’ll definitely find Slidebean’s content very helpful.
Video To Watch First: “How to Create a Pitch Deck for Investors”
10. Productized
Why I Like It: The Productized Conference is an annual gathering of Product Leaders and thousands of current and aspiring Product Managers.
I was fortunate to be able to speak at the conference in 2016 and had a great experience, where I learned a lot from others. Productized regularly posts compelling content on YouTube that Product Managers of all levels can benefit from.
Video To Watch First: “The Product Development Journey”
Honorable Mentions
What Great Product Channels Did I Miss?
Let me know in the comments or on Twitter at @amitch5903!